Greetings to you from me, Laura. I am pleased to respond to your interests, inquiries, and suggestions regarding Mom’s Mexican Recipes.
Let me tell you a few things about me.
First, that I am proud to be a native from the Northern Mexican State of Chihuahua.
My Purpose in planning and developing this website is the share the knowledge and secrets of Mexican cuisine to a wide variety of people in different places around the globe, a prospect I find most fascinating.
The art and activity of cooking for me is a passion. I remember as a child the constantly moving activity of the kitchen with its endless and captivating aromas, of all sorts of spices being prepared, of Cheese, Tamales, Menudo and Bread, Sweets and Hot Sauces.
It was at home that I first began to learn and cultivate the activity of the kitchen. That is the reason for the name, Mom’s Mexican Recipes.
I spent another period of my life as a nun in a convent. There, my skills and knowledge of meal preparation and the nutritional value of various foods – and how to spend wisely given a weekly budget – greatly expanded.
Today I am married to a wonderful man who is originally from the US who has encouraged and supported the creation of this website – and who is responsible for its accurate translation into English.
Let me end by saying what a pleasure it will be to share and collaborate with those have an interest in traditional Mexican cooking. Again, I look forward an exchange of commentary, tips, and recipes.
Contact me here.
Paz y Bien: