Enchilada and Burrito in one dish? Why not? Both Enchilada and Burrito are Mexican dishes and both are very popular in the U.S. especially in Texas that’s why there is Tex-Mex Cuisine which is a combination …

Authentic and Easy Mexican Cooking
Authentic and Easy Mexican Cooking
Enchilada and Burrito in one dish? Why not? Both Enchilada and Burrito are Mexican dishes and both are very popular in the U.S. especially in Texas that’s why there is Tex-Mex Cuisine which is a combination …
One of the delicious traditional dishes in Mexico is the Taco. It is made up of wheat Tortilla which can either be rolled around the filling or folded around it. There are several fillings you …
One of my favorite ways to show my family that I love them is to cook for them. When I make a delicious meal, it shows that I am thinking about them and care about …
Inviting a few friends for a weekend dinner means cooking and sharing your food. Getting together means a lot. It also means one thing. Food. But how you feed a crowd? You need to think …
I love spending time with my family especially summertime. It is the best time for us as a family to spend time together. No day-to-day destructions from work and school, it is just us. Summer …
A good day to start with a healthy breakfast for your power all day long. Most of us surely don’t have time to cook breakfast during weekdays. It is because of we always in a …
Beef Bean and Cheese Burritos Recipe Print Prep time 15 mins Cook time 20 mins Total time 35 mins Delicious burrito with spicy creaminess filling, melted rich cheese and fresh lettuce and ripe …
The Chicken Burrito recipe provides an uncomplicated means of preparing a wholesome, fast food.Fast, in that the main ingredients of Chicken and Flour tortillas can be stored in the fridge and kept ready to eat …
In the northern region of Mexico, the Beef Burrito Recipe is one of the most popular fast food offerings in restaurants and snack bar menus. I have found that the Mexican version is lighter and …