The Chicken Burrito recipe provides an uncomplicated means of preparing a wholesome, fast food.Fast, in that the main ingredients of Chicken and Flour tortillas can be stored in the fridge and kept ready to eat at a moment notice.
It is a great means of satisfying a hungry appetite at lunchtime or wrapped in aluminum foil to be reheated and enjoyed at a later time.The chicken burrito is a tasty snack for any time of the day. It is equally suited as a main course along with salad, Mexican rice, and guacamole.

- 1 chicken breast
- 1 quart of water
- 1 garlic clove
- 1 white onion (1/2 whole, ½ chopped)
- 1 chopped sweet green pepper
- 2 chopped tomatoes
- oil
- 8 flour tortillas
- mayonnaise
- salt and pepper added to taste
- Cook the chicken in a pot with water, garlic, and the ½ onion.
- Once cooked, remove the chicken from the broth and allow to cool then shred.
- Season the chicken with salt and pepper and fry until golden brown.
- Add the chopped onion, the green sweet pepper, and the tomato.
- Once the onion becomes transparent add 1 cup of broth from the pot where the chicken was cooked.
- Cook over low heat until the stew has dried.
- Heat and prepare the flour tortillas: spread the mayonnaise on top.
- Put a portion of shredded chicken on each tortilla, then fold.
- Serve.

Chicken Burrito Recipe Tips
Many Mexican recipes call for chili peppers. You can control how spicy the food will be by the type of chili peppers and the amount used.
The hot and spicy flavor of a chili pepper comes mostly from the interior seeds and veins, which can be removed to lessen the effect.
- CHICKEN is an excellent source of protein. It’s a food that provides energy and support for the digestion.
- ONION contains proteins, potassium, selenium, vitamins B12 and 6, niacin and phosphorous. It helps combat the onset of diabetes and is a known anti-carcinogenic. It works to reduce cholesterol and improve blood coagulation. Its enzymes contribute to oxygen in the blood cells; it improves respiratory function as well as blood circulation. It is a diuretic and helps to purify the organism.
- TOMATOES are rich in potassium, vitamins C and A, and are in the category of antioxidants. This helps them preserve muscle tone. They help to lower the risk of heart disease and cataracts.